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Can I offer contests that involve free entry in New York? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided documents, it is possible to offer contests that involve free entry in New York, as long as they are registered and conducted pursuant to the provisions of NYCL PML § 1411 [1.2]. However, unregistered interactive fantasy sports contests are prohibited [1.1].
To register for a contest, the organization must register with the commission and secure an identification number before making any such application or assisting in the conduct of games of chance [5.1]. The application must be executed and verified and is accompanied by the license fee of $25 for each scheduled games of chance license period [5.2].
It is important to note that a municipality shall make its own investigation and determination of an applicant organization’s eligibility for a license to conduct games of chance as required by the Games of Chance Licensing Law, notwithstanding the issuance of an identification number by the commission [5.3].
Therefore, to offer contests that involve free entry in New York, the organization must register with the commission and obtain a license to conduct games of chance.
- [1.1] Contests prohibited
- [1.2] Contests authorized
- [5.1] Application requirements.
- [5.2] Conditions for accepting application.
- [5.3] Registration as evidence of eligibility.
New York