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Can I offer contests that involve free entry in Arizona? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided documents, it appears that offering free entry contests in Arizona is not explicitly prohibited. However, fantasy sports contests in the state are regulated by the Arizona Department of Gaming and require compliance with specific rules and regulations [1.2][3.1][1.3].
According to AZRS 5-1202, a person may not offer fantasy sports contests in Arizona unless the person is licensed by the department as a fantasy sports contest operator. However, an individual may offer one or more fantasy sports contests if the contests are not made available to the general public, each contest is limited to not more than fifteen total players, and the individual collects not more than $10,000 in total entry fees for all contests offered in a calendar year [3.1].
The responsible party offering fantasy sports contests must submit a catalogue of the events and fantasy sports contests it intends to offer to the Department prior to implementation, and the Department may prohibit a particular event or fantasy sports contest if it does not comply with A.R.S. § 5-1201(6) [1.2].
Therefore, if you plan to offer free entry contests that fall under the category of fantasy sports contests, you must comply with the rules and regulations set forth by the Arizona Department of Gaming. We recommend consulting with a legal professional or contacting the Arizona Department of Gaming for further guidance [1.2][3.1][1.3].
- [1.2] Events and Fantasy Sports Contests
- [3.1] Fantasy sports contests; exceptions; rules; licensure
- [1.3] Fantasy Sports Contest Platform