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Can I offer contests that involve email promotions in Mississippi? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided documents, there is no specific information on whether contests involving email promotions are allowed in Mississippi. However, it is important to note that each agency must establish policies to help employees use email properly, to reduce the risk of intentional or inadvertent misuse, and to ensure that official records transferred via electronic mail are properly handled [2.1].
If you plan to offer fantasy contests in Mississippi, you must obtain a license from the Mississippi Gaming Commission if the operator’s total player roster for all fantasy contests over the course of any calendar year consists of one hundred (100) or more members of the general public [1.3]. Additionally, you must maintain a cash reserve and segregated account in the amount of the deposits made to the accounts of Mississippi fantasy contest players for the benefit and protection of the funds held in such accounts [1.2].
You must also obtain an initial, technical review and recommendation for approval from an independent testing laboratory licensed by the Commission. That written recommendation shall certify that the DFS Operator is in compliance with Mississippi Code Annotated Section 97-33-301 et. seq. and these regulations. The operator must certify annually by third-party audit that it has maintained compliance with all statutory and regulatory requirements [1.4].
Operators must, at a minimum, collect player information necessary to verify a player’s age, verify that the player is not excluded, and determine whether the player is located in Mississippi [1.5].
For the privilege of conducting fantasy contests in Mississippi, licensees shall pay to the Department of Revenue a fee equivalent to eight percent (8%) of the operator’s net Mississippi revenue. The license fees levied shall be due quarterly for the periods January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December, and payable on or before the twentieth (20th) day of the month next succeeding the month in which the fees accrue [1.6].
Therefore, while there is no specific information on contests involving email promotions, you must comply with the above requirements to offer fantasy contests in Mississippi.
- [1.2] Cash Reserve and Segregated Account Requirements.
- [1.3] Licensing.
- [2.1] Each agency must establish policies to help employees use email properly, to reduce the risk of intentional or inadvertent misuse, and to ensure that official records transferred via electronic mail are properly handled.
- [1.4] Technical Review.
- [1.5] Player Registration.
- [1.6] Fees.