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Can I offer contests that involve charity donations in South Dakota? What are the requirements?
Based on the documents provided, it appears that contests involving charity donations are not specifically addressed. However, there are some general requirements for organizations and individuals seeking assistance or project funding in South Dakota.
Eligibility Requirements for Organizations Applying for Assistance [1.3]
To be eligible for assistance, organizations must meet one of the following requirements:
- Nonprofit organizations designated as federally tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in effect on July 26, 1985;
- Units of state and local government; or
- Nonprofit educational institutions.
An organization not meeting the requirements of subdivision (1), (2), or (3) of this section may apply under the aegis of another qualified nonprofit organization. The qualified nonprofit organization is responsible for all fiscal and contractual arrangements.
Eligibility Requirements for Arts Organizations Applying for General Operating Assistance [1.1]
To be eligible for general operating assistance, arts organizations must meet one of the following requirements:
- A South Dakota nonprofit arts organization designated as federally tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in effect on July 26, 1985; or
- A South Dakota arts organization which is permanently under the aegis of a nonprofit organization qualified under subdivision 24:50:01:06(1). The qualified nonprofit organization is responsible for all fiscal and contractual arrangements.
Eligibility Requirements for Individuals Applying for Project Assistance [1.2]
To be eligible for project assistance, an artist must have actively participated in the arts of South Dakota and resided in the state for two years at the date of application. Artists who are students at the date of application are not eligible. There is no residency requirement for individuals applying for assistance to tour in South Dakota.
Submission of Application [2.1]
All applications for assistance or project funding shall be submitted to the South Dakota Lottery at its office in Pierre.
Based on the documents provided, there are no specific requirements or restrictions on offering contests involving charity donations in South Dakota. However, it is recommended that organizations seeking to offer such contests consult with legal counsel to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
- [1.1] Eligibility requirements for arts organizations applying for general operating assistance.
- [1.2] Eligibility requirements for individuals applying for project assistance.
- [2.1] Submission of application.
- [1.3] Eligibility requirements for organizations applying for assistance.
South Dakota