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Can I offer contests that involve charity donations in New Hampshire? What are the requirements?
Requirements for Offering Contests Involving Charity Donations in New Hampshire
If you plan to offer contests that involve charity donations in New Hampshire, you must comply with the following requirements:
- Obtain a Title Certificate: Each applicant for an IRP registration must submit a copy of a title certificate from a state of current registration [1.1].
- Define “Charity Care”: “Charity care” means “charity care” as defined in RSA 7:32-d, I [1.6].
- Follow Public Charity Guidelines: “Public charity” guidelines are defined in NHCAR Rev 1301.15 [1.3].
- Follow New Hampshire Sales Guidelines: “New Hampshire sales” are defined in NHCAR Env-A 4104.03 [1.4]. If direct sales data for New Hampshire are not available, sales may be estimated by prorating national or regional sales data by population [1.5].
- Follow New Hampshire Household Guidelines: “New Hampshire household” is defined in NHCAR Rev 1201.09 [1.2].
- Follow Training Guidelines: “Training specific to New Hampshire” means training about New Hampshire laws and procedures as described in Fam 303.06 [1.7].
- Be a New Hampshire-Based Entity: “New Hampshire-based” entity means an entity created under the laws of New Hampshire or an entity created or formed outside of New Hampshire that has its principal place of operations in New Hampshire [1.8].
If you comply with the above requirements, you can offer contests that involve charity donations in New Hampshire.
- [1.1] New Hampshire Title Requirements.
- [1.2] “New Hampshire household”
- [1.3] “Public charity”
- [1.4] “New Hampshire sales”
- [1.5] Calculating New Hampshire Sales
- [1.6] “Charity care”
- [1.7] “Training specific to New Hampshire”
- [1.8] “New Hampshire-based” entity
New Hampshire