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Can I offer contests that involve charity donations in Maryland? What are the requirements?
Based on the provided documents, it is possible to offer contests that involve charity donations in Maryland, but there are requirements that must be met.
Requirements for Contests Involving Charity Donations
According to MDCR, any contest held in Maryland that involves charity donations must be sanctioned by the Commission. Failure to comply with this regulation may result in disciplinary action against any licensees connected with the contest.
Additionally, MDCR requires licensees to make charitable disbursements and report them in their annual report. The annual report shall show that the licensee has made and met the charitable disbursement requirement under Criminal Law Article, §12-304(c), Annotated Code of Maryland, on or before the due date of the report. Information regarding each charitable disbursement shall include the name and address of the charitable organization receiving the disbursement, the charitable organization’s federal employer identification number, and a copy of a receipt from or a cancelled check to the charitable organization receiving the disbursement identifying the date and the amount of the disbursement.
In summary, contests that involve charity donations can be offered in Maryland, but they must be sanctioned by the Commission and licensees must make charitable disbursements and report them in their annual report.