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Can I offer contests that involve charity donations in Delaware? What are the requirements?
Yes, you can offer contests that involve charity donations in Delaware. The requirements for such contests depend on the type of contest you want to offer.
Charitable Gaming Contests
If you want to offer charitable gaming contests that involve charity donations, you must be a charitable gaming organization approved by the Director of the Lottery and donate at least 40% of the organization’s proceeds from charitable video lottery machine gaming annually to a charitable purpose [2.1].
Interactive Fantasy Sports Contests
If you want to offer interactive fantasy sports contests that involve charity donations, you must register and conduct the contests pursuant to the provisions of the Delaware Interactive Fantasy Contests Act [1.2][1.4][1.5]. The Act requires operators to submit an application for registration that includes information about the operator, the type and estimated number of contests to be conducted annually, and criminal record information for individuals involved in the day-to-day management of interactive fantasy sports contests or operations [1.5].
There are no specific requirements for charity donations in the Act. However, charitable donations may be considered a charitable purpose under the Act, and operators may choose to donate a portion of their proceeds to charity.
Therefore, to offer contests that involve charity donations in Delaware, you must either be a charitable gaming organization approved by the Director of the Lottery or register and conduct interactive fantasy sports contests pursuant to the Delaware Interactive Fantasy Contests Act.
- [1.2] Contests authorized.
- [1.4] Short title.
- [1.5] Scope of registration review.
- [2.1] Charitable video lottery machines use and restrictions.