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Can I offer contests that involve chance-based games in Oklahoma? What are the requirements?
Based on the additional documents provided, it appears that non-charitable organizations can offer contests that involve chance-based games in Oklahoma, subject to certain requirements.
Requirements for Offering Contests Involving Chance-Based Games in Oklahoma
- Obtain an Organization License: Any organization desiring to conduct a charity game in Oklahoma must apply to the ABLE Commission for an organization license [2.3]. An organization license shall only be issued to an organization and shall be used by that organization only [2.3].
- Limitations on License: An organization shall be limited to only one license and to doing business at only one location [2.3].
- Use of Bingo Faces: An organization shall use only disposable bingo faces purchased from a licensed distributor. Only one game shall be played on each bingo face; provided, nothing in this section shall be construed to exclude progressive games [2.3].
- Conducting the Game: Only an organization or an employee or manager of an organization shall conduct a charity game for which a charge is made. Compensation may be paid to an organization or other person for conducting a charity game. Compensation for conducting charity games shall be paid in accordance with minimum wage provisions of federal law, and shall not exceed two times the amount of the minimum wage specified pursuant to federal law [2.3].
- Application for Organization License: An initial application for an organization license shall be sworn and attested to by a principal officer of the applicant organization and shall include various documents such as a certified copy of the document from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service which grants the applicant tax-exempt status and the federal identification number, a certified copy of the articles of incorporation and certificate of incorporation of the organization, a copy of the bylaws of the organization, and the address of the location where the charity games will be conducted [2.3].
- Exemptions for Infrequent Charity Game Activities: Any organization which conducts any charity game activities not more than four times per year may obtain an exemption from specific provisions of the Oklahoma Charity Games Act [2.1].
Based on the above requirements, it appears that non-charitable organizations can offer contests that involve chance-based games in Oklahoma, subject to obtaining an organization license and complying with the other requirements. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional for further guidance.
Please note that the above information is based on the documents provided and may not be exhaustive or up-to-date.