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Can you summarize OKAC 85:1?
State Banking Department > Required Rules
Short Summary
The provided legal document content pertains to the Oklahoma Administrative Code related to the State Banking Department. It covers various procedural rules and processes, including filing a petition for a declaratory ruling, the complaint procedure for consumers, filing petitions for rulemaking, issuance of subpoenas, attendance of witnesses, pre-hearing conferences, production of documents, and service of pleadings in administrative proceedings. The document also provides definitions for terms used in the Oklahoma Administrative Code related to the State Banking Department. It clarifies the composition and content of the formal record of any proceeding and defines the roles and responsibilities of applicants, respondents, and intervenors. The document serves as a reference for understanding the terminology and concepts used in the Oklahoma Administrative Code related to the State Banking Department.
Whom does it apply to?
Interested persons, consumers, institutions or companies under the jurisdiction of the Oklahoma State Banking Department
What does it govern?
Procedural rules and processes within the Oklahoma Administrative Code, specifically under the State Banking Department
What are exemptions?
No specific exemptions are mentioned in these documents
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned in these documents