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Can you summarize OKAC 85:10-3-21?
Departmental Requirements > Fees
Short Summary
This document governs the fees associated with various applications and transactions related to state banks and trust companies. It applies to applicants for authority to organize a state bank or trust company, applicants for change of location, applicants for approval of operating or financial subsidiaries, applicants for certificate to maintain and operate a branch, applicants for abandonment or exercise of trust powers, applicants for merger, applicants for purchase and assumption agreements, and applicants for registration statements. The document specifies the application fees for each type of application, such as $7,500.00 for authority to organize, $2,000.00 for holding company bank charters, $2,000.00 for change of location, $2,000.00 for operating and financial subsidiaries, $2,000.00 for branch, $1,500.00 for abandonment or exercise of trust powers, $3,500.00 for merger, $3,500.00 for purchase and assumption agreements, and $500.00 for registration statements. The fees are payable to the Oklahoma State Banking Department. The document also mentions the possibility of electronic payment for the fees, subject to conditions prescribed by the Commissioner.
Whom does it apply to?
Applicants for authority to organize a state bank or trust company, applicants for change of location, applicants for approval of operating or financial subsidiaries, applicants for certificate to maintain and operate a branch, applicants for abandonment or exercise of trust powers, applicants for merger, applicants for purchase and assumption agreements, and applicants for registration statements
What does it govern?
Fees for various applications and transactions related to state banks and trust companies
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No penalties are mentioned.