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Can you summarize OHRC Section 1349.521?
Consumer Protection > Security freeze on consumer credit cards.
Short Summary
This legal document, governed by the Ohio Revised Code, Commercial Transactions, and Consumer Protection, outlines the process and requirements for placing a security freeze on a protected consumer’s credit report. A representative of a protected consumer can request a security freeze by providing proof of authority and identity to a consumer credit reporting agency. The agency must place the security freeze within thirty days and send a written confirmation to the protected consumer’s address. If the agency does not have a credit report for the protected consumer, they must create one and place a security freeze on it. The agency can only remove a security freeze in cases of material misrepresentation or upon request by the protected consumer’s representative. A minor protected consumer can request the removal of a security freeze upon reaching sixteen years of age. The document also specifies the entities to whom a credit report with a security freeze can be released, such as law enforcement agencies, insurance providers, and credit monitoring subscription services. Fees may be charged for placing or removing a security freeze, with exceptions for certain individuals. The document also addresses the protection of official information in a credit report and references the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Whom does it apply to?
Protected consumers and their representatives
What does it govern?
Security freeze on consumer credit cards
What are exemptions?
A security freeze does not apply to circumstances in which a protected consumer already has an existing account relationship and a copy of the protected consumer's credit report is requested by the protected consumer's existing creditor or its agents or affiliates for certain types of account review, collection, fraud control, or similar activities.
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties mentioned.