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Can you summarize NYCL BNK Article 2-AA?
Banking > Atm Safety Act
Short Summary
The provided legal document, known as the ATM Safety Act, governs the compliance requirements for banking institutions with automated teller machine (ATM) facilities. It outlines the security measures that banking institutions must maintain for each ATM facility, including the installation of surveillance cameras, adequate lighting, and locking devices for entry doors. The document also requires banking institutions to file a list of their ATM facilities with the department and provide safety information to customers. Additionally, the document establishes the superintendent’s authority to enforce the act and obtain crime statistics associated with ATM facilities. The ATM Safety Act supersedes and preempts local rules and regulations regarding customer safety at ATM facilities, except in cities with a population of one million or more, where existing security measures may continue to be required. The document does not specify any specific penalties for non-compliance or violations, but it empowers the superintendent to report failures to make penalty payments to the attorney general for appropriate action.
Whom does it apply to?
Banking institutions operating ATM facilities
What does it govern?
ATM Safety Act
What are exemptions?
Unenclosed ATMs in buildings or spaces unrelated to banking activities, available only during regular hours of operation
What are the Penalties?
Civil penalties for violations of section seventy-five-c and seventy-five-g, determined based on section forty-four
New York