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Can you summarize NHRS 382-A:3-501?
Short Summary
The concept of presentment is defined in this legal document. Presentment refers to a demand made by or on behalf of a person entitled to enforce an instrument to pay the instrument or accept a draft. Presentment can be made at the place of payment or by any commercially reasonable means. The demand is effective when received by the person to whom presentment is made. The person making presentment must exhibit the instrument, provide reasonable identification and evidence of authority if presenting on behalf of another person, and sign a receipt or surrender the instrument upon full payment. The party to whom presentment is made may return the instrument for lack of necessary endorsement or refuse payment or acceptance if the presentment does not comply with the terms of the instrument or applicable law. Presentment may be treated as occurring on the next business day if made after the established cut-off hour. This document does not mention any specific penalties for non-compliance.
Whom does it apply to?
Persons entitled to enforce an instrument, drawees, parties obliged to pay the instrument, and banks
What does it govern?
What are exemptions?
Subject to Article 4, agreement of the parties, and clearing-house rules and the like
What are the Penalties?
No penalties mentioned
New Hampshire