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Can you summarize NHRS 359-C:21?
Short Summary
This legal document, part of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes under the TRADE AND COMMERCE section, specifically addresses the right to privacy. It states that any person who is injured by a violation under this subdivision has the right to bring an action for damages and equitable relief, including an injunction. If the court finds in favor of the plaintiff, they may recover actual damages. In cases where the violation was willful or knowing, the court may award up to 3 times the amount of damages, but not less than 2 times. Additionally, the prevailing plaintiff is entitled to the costs of the suit and reasonable attorney’s fees. Any attempt to waive the right to damages mentioned in this document is considered void and unenforceable. Private individuals can seek injunctive relief without bond, subject to the court’s discretion. The New Hampshire attorney general’s office is responsible for enforcing the provisions of this subdivision. The burden of demonstrating compliance with this subdivision lies with the person responsible for the determination under RSA 359-C:20, I. This document came into effect on January 1, 2007.
Whom does it apply to?
Any person injured by a violation under this subdivision
What does it govern?
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
Actual damages, up to 3 times the amount for willful or knowing violations, costs of the suit, and reasonable attorney's fees
New Hampshire