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Can you summarize NHCAR Rev 304.10?
APPORTIONMENT OF ADJUSTED GROSS BUSINESS PROFITS > Adjustments Required to Apportionment Factors For Financial Institutions.
Short Summary
This legal document governs the adjustments required to apportionment factors for financial institutions. It applies specifically to financial institutions and provides provisions for the apportionment of income to New Hampshire. The document outlines definitions for various terms such as billing address, borrower or credit cardholder located in New Hampshire, commercial domicile, credit card, credit card issuer’s reimbursement fee, finance lease, financial institution, gross rents, loan, loan secured by real property, merchant discount, participation, person, real and tangible property, regular place of business, syndication, taxable, and transportation property. It further specifies the calculation of the property factor, payroll factor, and sales factor for financial institutions. The document also includes provisions for the valuation and location of intangible property, such as loans and credit card receivables. Overall, it provides detailed guidelines for the apportionment of adjusted gross business profits for financial institutions in New Hampshire.
Whom does it apply to?
Financial institutions
What does it govern?
Adjustments Required to Apportionment Factors For Financial Institutions
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No penalties are mentioned.
New Hampshire