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Can you summarize NDAC Article 12.5-03?
Bank of North Dakota > State Credit Card Administration
Short Summary
The provided legal document content governs the service fees associated with accepting payments made by credit cards, debit cards, or electronic fund transfers by executive branch agencies in compliance with credit card company rules. The documents require the Bank of North Dakota, acting on behalf of the state, to establish rules regarding service fees and approve the amount that may be charged by executive agencies. The Bank of North Dakota is designated as the credit card administrator for state agencies, boards, and commissions. The documents define various terms related to credit card administration and specify that executive branch agencies must adhere to network regulations governing service fees, including convenience fees or surcharges. The Bank and the state’s designated processor are prohibited from charging service fees to cardholders on behalf of the executive branch agency. To charge a service fee, an executive branch agency’s approved payment application must process the fee. The documents provide information on how executive branch agencies can obtain network regulations from MasterCard, Visa, and Discover. The documents were implemented on April 1, 2013, based on the authority provided by NDCC 54-06-08.2. No specific exemptions or penalties are mentioned in these documents.
Whom does it apply to?
Executive branch agencies, boards, and commissions
What does it govern?
Service fees for the acceptance of payments made by credit cards, debit cards, or electronic fund transfers by executive branch agencies
What are exemptions?
No specific exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned.
North Dakota