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Can you summarize KYRS 434.697?
Short Summary
This section of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, under the Crimes and Punishments category, specifically addresses offenses against property by fraud. It defines phishing as the act of knowingly or intentionally soliciting, requesting, or taking any action to induce another person to provide identifying information by means of a Web page, electronic mail message, or otherwise using the Internet, by representing oneself as a third person without the authority or approval of such other person. The section provides definitions for key terms such as ’electronic mail message’ and ‘identifying information’. It states that in any prosecution for a violation of this section, the Commonwealth is not required to establish that another person who violated this section has been convicted, apprehended, or identified, and it is not a defense that some of the acts constituting a violation did not occur in Kentucky or were not a criminal offense where they did occur. Phishing is classified as a Class D felony, with the effective date of this section being June 25, 2009.
Whom does it apply to?
Any person who knowingly or intentionally solicits, requests, or takes any action to induce another person to provide identifying information by means of a Web page, electronic mail message, or otherwise using the Internet, by representing himself or herself either directly or by implication, to be a third person without the authority or approval of such other person
What does it govern?
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
Class D felony