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Can you summarize IACO 554.9525?
Short Summary
This legal document governs the fees for services rendered by the filing office under this part. The fees for filing and indexing a record under this part are set by rules adopted by the secretary of state’s office. The fees vary based on the format of the record presented for filing, with records consisting of more than two pages incurring a higher fee. The number of names required to be indexed does not affect the fee. The document also specifies the fee for responding to a request for information from the filing office, with different fees for requests communicated in writing and requests communicated by another authorized medium. However, if the filing office is in the county, the board of supervisors for the county may set the fee for responding to a request. This document does not require a fee for a record of a mortgage that is effective as a financing statement filed as a fixture filing or covering as-extracted collateral or timber to be cut. However, the recording and satisfaction fees applicable to the record of the mortgage still apply.
Whom does it apply to?
Filing office
What does it govern?
Fees for services rendered by the filing office under this part
What are exemptions?
No exemptions are mentioned.
What are the Penalties?
No penalties are mentioned.