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Can you summarize CORS 18-5-512?
Short Summary
This legal document governs the issuance and delivery of bad checks. It declares that the act of issuing and delivering a known bad check is harmful to the recipient and injurious to the community. The document defines ‘insufficient funds’ as not having a sufficient balance in an account with a bank or other drawee for the payment of a check or order. It states that a person commits a petty offense if they issue or pass a check or similar sight order for payment, knowing that they do not have sufficient funds in their account for the payment of the check or order, as well as all other outstanding checks or orders. The document also establishes a presumption of the issuer’s knowledge of insufficient funds, except in the case of a postdated check or order. It specifies that a bank is not liable for releasing information about the issuer’s account to authorized investigators. Additionally, it allows for the collection of restitution as a condition of pretrial diversion. Section 18-5-205 provides exceptions to this offense. Overall, this document aims to address the issuance of bad checks and impose criminal sanctions for such actions.
Whom does it apply to?
Any person who issues or passes a check or similar sight order for the payment of money
What does it govern?
The issuance and delivery of bad checks
What are exemptions?
Section 18-5-205 provides exceptions to this offense
What are the Penalties?
A person commits a petty offense