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Can you summarize Banking Commission > RULEMAKING AND CONTESTED?
Short Summary
The legal document content consists of multiple sections. The first section outlines the process for submitting a petition to the Banking Commission for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule. It also provides information on how to request to be placed on the mailing list for rule-making notices. The second section pertains to the conduct of hearings before the Banking Commission, including the requirements for filing a notice to present oral data, views, or arguments on a proposed rule. It also mentions that written comments are considered by the Banking Commission. The third section details the process of requesting declaratory rulings from the Commissioner of Banks or the Banking Commission, including the necessary information to be included in the request and the timeline for issuing the ruling. It states that the Commissioner of Banks has the sole power to make declaratory rulings, and all decisions can be reviewed by the Banking Commission upon written application of any aggrieved party. The fourth section provides definitions for various terms used in the RULE-MAKING AND CONTESTED procedures within the Commerce section of the Banking Commission. It also states that terms defined by G.S. 150B shall be defined as in G.S. 150B. The fifth section outlines the procedures for conducting hearings in contested cases before the North Carolina Banking Commission, including the application of the Rules of Civil Procedure and the Rules of Evidence. It also mentions the filing of documents, the requirements for requesting a hearing, and the ruling on motions. The sixth section pertains to pre-hearing conferences and their purpose in expediting the resolution of cases. The seventh section covers the order of proceedings in hearings, including the use of stipulations as evidence. The eighth section addresses appeals to the State Banking Commission and the record on appeal. The ninth section discusses the decision to hear oral argument in an appeal and the time allotted for oral argument. The tenth section outlines the process for making a recommended decision to the Commission in an appeal and the actions the Commission may take. Overall, these legal documents provide guidance and procedures for various aspects of rule-making, hearings, and appeals before the Banking Commission in North Carolina.
Whom does it apply to?
The legal document applies to any person wishing to submit a petition requesting the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule by the Banking Commission, any person or agency desiring to be placed on the mailing list for Banking Commission rule-making notices, any person who wishes to present oral data, views, or arguments on the proposed rule, any person who is substantially affected by a statute or rule administered by the Commissioner of Banks or the Banking Commission, and any party involved in contested cases before the North Carolina Banking Commission.
What does it govern?
The legal document governs the conduct of hearings before the Banking Commission in North Carolina, the process of requesting declaratory rulings from the Commissioner of Banks or the Banking Commission, and the RULE-MAKING AND CONTESTED procedures within the Commerce section of the Banking Commission.
What are exemptions?
No specific exemptions are mentioned in these documents.
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties are mentioned in these documents.
North Carolina