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Can you summarize 9 VTST Chapter 62?
Short Summary
The provided legal document content covers various aspects of the protection of personal information. The acquisition and use of brokered personal information is prohibited through fraudulent means and for certain purposes such as stalking, harassment, fraud, and unlawful discrimination. The Security Breach Notice Act requires data collectors to notify consumers in the event of a security breach involving personally identifiable information or login credentials. The Social Security Number Protection Act prohibits the communication or availability of Social Security numbers to the general public and imposes restrictions on their use. The Document Safe Destruction Act governs the safe destruction of documents containing personal information. The duty of data brokers to protect personally identifiable information requires the development and implementation of comprehensive information security programs. The protection of personal information and student privacy in Vermont applies to operators of Internet websites, online services, online applications, or mobile applications that collect and use student data, with certain exemptions and duties outlined. Overall, these legal documents aim to safeguard personal information and ensure responsible handling in various contexts.
Whom does it apply to?
All persons, businesses, data collectors, data brokers, operators of Internet websites, online services, online applications, or mobile applications that collect and use student data
What does it govern?
Acquisition and use of brokered personal information, protection of Social Security numbers, safe destruction of documents containing personal information, duty of data brokers to protect personally identifiable information, protection of personal information and student privacy
What are exemptions?
The Security Breach Notice Act exempts certain data collectors from providing notice of a breach to consumers if the breach is unlikely to result in harm to the affected consumers. The Social Security Number Protection Act provides exceptions for certain uses of Social Security numbers, such as applications, enrollment processes, and fraud prevention. The document safe destruction Act does not mention any exemptions. The duty of data brokers to protect personally identifiable information applies to data brokers, with the safeguards adopted being consistent with other state rules or federal regulations applicable to data brokers. The protection of personal information and student privacy in Vermont exempts various entities, including law enforcement agencies, operators using student data for adaptive learning or customized student learning purposes, and general audience Internet websites, among others. The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and rules adopted pursuant to that Act supersede this subchapter.
What are the Penalties?
Violation of the acquisition and use of brokered personal information, protection of Social Security numbers, and duty of data brokers to protect personally identifiable information is considered an unfair and deceptive act in commerce, subject to penalties as specified in section 2453 of the Commerce and Trade statutes. The Security Breach Notice Act does not specify penalties for non-compliance or violation. The Social Security Number Protection Act imposes penalties depending on the entity involved. The Document Safe Destruction Act does not mention specific penalties. The protection of personal information and student privacy in Vermont does not mention specific penalties.