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Can you summarize 15 USC 1681c2?
CREDIT REPORTING AGENCIES > Block of information resulting from identity theft
Short Summary
This section of the United States Code, under the Commerce and Trade section, specifically addresses the block of information resulting from identity theft. It applies to consumer reporting agencies. According to this section, consumer reporting agencies are required to block the reporting of any information in the file of a consumer that the consumer identifies as information resulting from alleged identity theft. The agency must block this information within 4 business days after receiving appropriate proof of the consumer’s identity, a copy of an identity theft report, identification of the information by the consumer, and a statement from the consumer that the information is not related to any transaction by the consumer. The consumer reporting agency must also notify the furnisher of the information about the identity theft report, the block request, and the effective dates of the block. However, the agency may decline to block or rescind a block if it determines that the block was requested in error, based on a material misrepresentation of fact by the consumer, or if the consumer obtained goods, services, or money as a result of the blocked transaction. Resellers and check services companies are exempt from this section. Law enforcement agencies are still allowed access to blocked information in a consumer file. No specific penalties are mentioned in this section.
Whom does it apply to?
Consumer reporting agencies
What does it govern?
Block of information resulting from identity theft
What are exemptions?
Resellers and check services companies
What are the Penalties?
No specific penalties mentioned
U.S. Federal Government